Returned home to find the fire well under way and this delightful pile of cow in the kitchen. We have our very own asado (like a big stone oven on the terrace) and we also had our very own asado chef for the occasion, a friend of Francis' who was some mafia-esq meat king ( el jefe as they would say here). He arranged everything and cooked everything and was very proud. Asado's are clearly a very masculine sport, man with fire cook fresh killed meat (more or less...). Fine by me as a hungry guest. There was a mountain of meat, a cauldron of salad, crates of beer, wine, bread, sauces and a quarry of hungry guests. There was my first asado, tasty, tasty beef and after the third round people began to tire and slump in their chairs. What would Morrisey say? (WWMS) Ice cream delivered to the door, (for free after waiting around 1 n half hours!) and then to bed feeling something like a meat filled balloon.
On to the second section of this post: MNML. Had my first taste of the Minimal/Techno scene in BA and it left me slightly with mixed feelings. To begin with I got to meet up with a girl of Couch Surfing who writes about electronic music. Went to her flat and met lots of her argentinian friends who spoke like lightening (beer+spanish=lack of understanding) Can't concentrate at all when they speak fast and I have drunk a little. Anyhoo, around 1am we left for the boliche, it was called Crobar (international I am told) The good point, it was free! Sam had entradas para todos :) Bad point, it was swish as hell, sickly slick, like those super clubs you read about but don't believe exist, filled with equally slick, siwsh, sickly clientes. Beautiful and clean. Plastic People. We got to the door and they say ID, we show it, "sorry, he cannot come in, needs to be over 24" We were like, what?! It took some arguing, persuading, Sam knowing someone inside the club (urrr PR people...they exist all over the world!) and the fact that on the tickets it said 18+. 18+3=21, before we were allowed in. Once inside, it was all shiny, lights, bars, beautiful people and technomusic. We forgot about the surroundings and got about dancing/waiting for Swayzak (they are British! I never knew!) They came on and tbh, it was a little disappointing, sure thing they dropped some rather excellent tunes (one with vocals that I need to find!) but I do believe they were a little worse for wear and some of the mixes were definately questionable! I drank 1 drink, it cost $35 pesos (like £6: vodka and red bull). Now, that is expensive in the UK. Oh my. In the end however, it was fun, lots of fun and hopefully next time will be better :) Sam tells me Pacha (the best club in BA) is far better than here and there is also Cocoliche and a host more! Suerte!

I am working on a MNML mix, as I always seem to be(!) but this one is casi finished. Watch this space por favor. The words have come to a halt for now, though I have a tooonnee more.
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