I am in the middle of a thunderstorm. Rain, humidity, thunder and lightening. Music from penguins or proud robots or something is spluttering out of the old samsung "beatbox," it really is like an old school, hike it onto your shoulder and parade around the streets piece of kit, blasting out some public enemy. just had a strange encounter with a dutch girl in the corridor. Friend of roy, new flatmate, roy isn't here, she is going to wander around for half an hour and come back...ok..its raining.
Well, this will be a collection of memories from the past few weeks in BA, I do not remember the time or the inspiration or indeed the place. though it may be mentioned. They catalogue, kind of like a broken up diary, some moments in the past month or so. It is October. Time fliess.
Part I: Spring and Snow
It is snowing, it is spring. Though autumn may be arriving in the northern hemisphere it is attempting to make an appearance here, the leaves are scattering from the trees and falling like snow onto the street. It is pretty and inspired a song.
As a certain family member mentioned to me yesterday this blog seems to mention food quite a lot. It seems to be that I am either eating or thinking about eating or remembering something I ate while I am writing. So today's food is Italian; I ate a pizza and dank a coffee. Am sat in the pizza place with Pamela and we are being very anti-social, abusing the free internet (three hours and counting!) It has been a while since the last "real" update so here I will try again. ) Time is passing like clouds on a very windy day(!), if I am not careful I will miss my birthday. (chanson)
Part II - Maté
That was how it was on the day it was, when I do not recall but obviously the maté didn't work, or the writing of those acronyms sent me to sleep. I think it was a particularly eyelid drooping night after a particularly figure filled day.
Global business is not my forte.
Part II - The Office
"How are you finding the Latin American high net worth market this year?"
"Hoy es no te has olvidando de algo?"
Insert picture of "delicious" gnocchi. An advert I glanced at for today: apparently it is gnocchi day. Don't know why, but a good reason to eat gnocchi, which I probably wont do, not having any gnocchi.
Part III - The End of the Day
It is the end of the day, I am sat on a speaker in the kitchen, outside it is dark and rainy inside all I can hear is clicks and Pamela laughing/expletives/singing, and a little French being spoken. This is life after work.
Part IV - The beginning of the weekend
So this is now, whever now is for you or for me but it is some kind of now, I guess it was all now. This blog is turning into some kind of free-jazz, all out Borges, free word association game. Soon I will just choose words from my day and arrange them in a random order to give you a general view, a sentiment, a sense of MY space and time.
Meanwhile in the real world it is October which means Novmeber is next which means this month is going to be a little manic. Lots of essays in Spanish, lots of "classes" and alongside work, my failed/dogged journalism attempts and my desire to write lots of music (i.e. spend hours staring at ableton and arranging sound waves,) it is going to be a busy few weeks. As with storms and their quiet aftermath I think November is going to be comparatively tranquilo. No more classes and a month without having to get up early (depending on whether I continue to work). Sigh of relief please. On that note; work.
I have now been working nearly a month, it has been really interesting, certainly learnt a lot about a lot and it has given me a new perspective on the world. I have experienced the accents accross South America from Bloivia to Colombia to Argentina....."
Now, for real: October 11
There ends the freeflow bloging. Here begins my today. I got paid last week and so today decided to splash out and take a wander into the heart of Palermo. An unwise idea for a recently paid young student willing to indulge and weak when tempted with pretty things. Luckily I didn't have to go far. I stumbled into an ace shop called rethink. Lots of really original and excellent clothing design, inspired by music and more. I bought two t-shirts and a jumper. All cool-as.

It is October and I am 22 on Tuesday. Billy Bragg
I am writing this from the office with another cup of tea, a plate with the crumbs remaining from the first cheese toasty of the day, it is raining outside and the garden looks particularly splendid, even the soaked stone figure, which I personally think is grotesque (I never liked those "classical" naked people made of stone, especially in your garden..purrlease!) While making the latest brew I got thinking that the brews here are just terrible. bad water, bad teabags, bad milk; bad. Yet, force of habit means I just keep on putting on that kettle and supping tea. I also got thinking...(edit: don't know what happened to the "thinking" part)
"How are you finding the Latin American high net worth market this year?"
"Hoy es no te has olvidando de algo?"
Insert picture of "delicious" gnocchi. An advert I glanced at for today: apparently it is gnocchi day. Don't know why, but a good reason to eat gnocchi, which I probably wont do, not having any gnocchi.
Part III - The End of the Day
It is the end of the day, I am sat on a speaker in the kitchen, outside it is dark and rainy inside all I can hear is clicks and Pamela laughing/expletives/singing, and a little French being spoken. This is life after work.
Part IV - The beginning of the weekend
So this is now, whever now is for you or for me but it is some kind of now, I guess it was all now. This blog is turning into some kind of free-jazz, all out Borges, free word association game. Soon I will just choose words from my day and arrange them in a random order to give you a general view, a sentiment, a sense of MY space and time.
Meanwhile in the real world it is October which means Novmeber is next which means this month is going to be a little manic. Lots of essays in Spanish, lots of "classes" and alongside work, my failed/dogged journalism attempts and my desire to write lots of music (i.e. spend hours staring at ableton and arranging sound waves,) it is going to be a busy few weeks. As with storms and their quiet aftermath I think November is going to be comparatively tranquilo. No more classes and a month without having to get up early (depending on whether I continue to work). Sigh of relief please. On that note; work.
I have now been working nearly a month, it has been really interesting, certainly learnt a lot about a lot and it has given me a new perspective on the world. I have experienced the accents accross South America from Bloivia to Colombia to Argentina....."
Now, for real: October 11
There ends the freeflow bloging. Here begins my today. I got paid last week and so today decided to splash out and take a wander into the heart of Palermo. An unwise idea for a recently paid young student willing to indulge and weak when tempted with pretty things. Luckily I didn't have to go far. I stumbled into an ace shop called rethink. Lots of really original and excellent clothing design, inspired by music and more. I bought two t-shirts and a jumper. All cool-as.
It is October and I am 22 on Tuesday. Billy Bragg
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